
Friday Wrap-up: Technical difficulties

Editor's note: Well, we got jobbed (as I'm sure many did) by Blogger's downtime this week. Our Thursday post was deleted but is now back up...hopefully your regularly scheduled programming will continue without any hiccups next week. Thanks for being patient. — Seth

To send you into the weekend, here's some of the best stuff we've seen all week:
  • All of Max and Joe's disgustingly aesthetic iPhoneography during their trip to Nashville. Follow them on Twitter at @AllPlaidOut and @JoeGannon.
  • @caryrandolph wrote three brilliant short stories to celebrate her mother last Sunday. They're sweet, funny, poignant and full of character all at the same time.
  • Our once-hometown magazine Vox featured us last week. Check it out.
  • Mr. Porter published an insightful feature with J.Crew men's designer Frank Mutyjens on Tuesday.
  • Speaking of Frank, he and Jenna Lyons (la presidente) stopped by Chicago that very same day for a fête at their store in the 900 Shops on Michigan Avenue. We hung out, had an interview, and will be posting said exclusive next week. Stay tuned!


  1. If you were at 900 North I hope you had time for a nice hot lather shave at Trueffit & Hill on 6. Decadence par excellence!

    Keep up the fine work here, gents. FYI, today I am wearing a mint green Polo RL pinpoint oxford purchased when I was a sophomore at Mizzou.....in 1987.

  2. Yale, that's incredible. Thanks very much for commenting! We love connecting with other Mizzou alums. And as a magazine journalism grad with an Esquire subscription myself, I'm glad to hear you're fighting the good fight.



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