I'm going rogue here and breaking from our usual policy of original photos. I've paid little attention in the run-up to that wedding that's happening today, so I suppose my curiosity is somewhat justified. Don't worry; I'll keep it brief and relevant. And if you don't like the lyrics, you can press fast forward.
A confession: I love pretty much everything about Britain. Magnify that 10 times today. It's the anglophilia. Can't shake it. First of all, Kate Middleton. In that dress, outshining even Grace Kelly. File under: "How I want my bride to look." I had permanent tingles the whole time she was walking down the aisle. Guess I'd better start making a list of eligible royal British ladies.
Enter David Beckham for the men's style tie-in. Apparently everyone else on the Internet stole my idea, because when I Googled "royal wedding style," Beckham was all over the search results.

That tie, that collar, those tails. And how spiffy is that Order of the British Empire medal—which unfortunately wouldn't be appropriate to wear if you hadn't earned it. I realize this look is rather far from "Midwest," but I'd love to work it into my next formal outfit anyway. Well, maybe not the top hat. Looks good in his hand, not in mine.
Soccer, style, England, true affection. Everything I love.
Def want to dress like him for my next formal event!
Looks great. Shouldn't he be wearing the top hat instead of carrying it?